Tollerton, North Yorkshire

Tollerton in North Yorkshire

About Us
Tollerton Bridge Group evolved from a series of beginner bridge lessons in 2004-5. Some folks got hooked and have since been joined by afficianados from surrounding villages. We meet weekly in the Sports Pavilion on Wednesday evenings. We play duplicate bridge and welcome improving bridge players as well as more experienced players. A dedicated session on Monday evenings, Bridge For Fun, operates at a slower pace and with fewer boards to allow for mistakes to be made and chuckled about. There is an encouraging, non-judgemental atmosphere on both evenings and a warmth which matches our generous heating allowance. A partner-finding service operates on both Mondays and Wednesdays; contact Nicky or Kath, who will do their best to sort something out.

Annual General Meeting
In order to reflect the enthusiastic attendance on Monday evenings, we have decided to alternate the day for our AGM between Mondays and Wednesdays. The AGM this year will be on Monday 14 September at 7 pm in the pavilion. Please put the date into your diary and let Margaret have agenda items by the end of August. Margaret will be in touch nearer the time on issues relating to the Christmas party, and Penny will report in advance on feedback from our weekend away, so that we can minimise time spent in discussion and give a chance for those who are unable to attend the AGM to make their views known.
