Clerk to the Council: Sandra Windross
11 Dunroyal Close, Helperby, York, YO61 2NH
Tel: 07843528339 Email:
Meeting date changed at short notice - apologies to everyone
Next meeting January 28th 2025
Public Forum
An opportunity for members of the public to comment on agenda items. The Public may speak on matters relevant to the meeting during a maximum period of 10 mins. The chairman may at their discretion limit any speaker to 3 mins.
Please note all questions and comments throughout the meeting must be directed through the Chairman
- To receive any apologies for absence.
Received from Cllr Murray Ferris
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive any declarations of interest not already declared under the Council's code of conduct or members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary interests and to receive and consider any applications for dispensation
3. Minutes Of The Last Meeting
To approve the minutes of the last Meeting held on un the 5 November 2024
4. NYC Matters
4.1 To receive any updates and information on NYC matters
5. Receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary
5.1 The road junction at Station Road/Alne Road
5.2 Electricity supply to the village green
5.3 Update on footbridge over the Kyle
5.4 Update on depth poles
5.5 Defibrillator training
6. Urban Area Grasscutting – email received from North Yorkshire Council
7. Planning Matters
7.1 To consider the following planning application
None received at the time of publication of the Agenda
7.2 To note the following planning applications granted/refused
ZB24/02290/CAT works to trees in a conservation area Well Barn South Back Lane, Tollerton Granted
8. Repairs/improvements required to be carried out at the Childrens Play area following ROSPA inspection.
9. To consider quote received from UK Community Renewals regarding covering Sports & Rec and the Pavillion on the Parish Councils insurance policy
10. Consider a Community Plan for Tollerton
11. Financial Matters
11.1 To receive a bank reconciliation/financial reconciliation.
11.2 Payment of accounts received .
12. To consider items of correspondence & agree necessary action, Councilors must have read and not simply received all correspondence to discuss:
13.11.2024 24 YLCA White Rose Bulletin
20.11.2024 YLCA Training information (various)
24.11.2024 YLCA Training and Discussion Forums (Various)
27.11.2024 YLCA Training and Discussion Forums
01.12.2024 YLCA Training
04.12.2024 YLCA Training
08.12.2024 YLCA Training
11.12.2024 YLCA Training
13. To notify the clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting
14. To confirm the Date of next meeting – 4 March 2025 at 6.30pm
Public attendence at meetings
Any member of the public is welcome to attend for any part (or all) of the Meeting. Indeed we would welcome more public participation - a public session is held at the start of the meeting to enable individuals to raise matters of concern.
Please note that meetings start promptly at 7.30pm so arrive late and you may miss the opportunity.
If you wish to raise a point, which does not relate to an item on that evening's agenda, you are free to do so. However, the council's discussion of the point might have to be delayed until a subsequent meeting, as the council is unable to make a decision binding 'in law (this is particularly relevant to financial decisions) unless a specific item is included on the agenda.
Members of the council are always willing to discuss topics put forward by the public. Our agenda is prepared about a week before the next council meeting so you will need to inform the Clerk or the Chairman about 10 days prior to the meeting. Although this might seem a long time in advance, the council is required by law to publicise its agenda at least three clear days before each meeting.
Once the public session is over, members of the public are not entitled to speak during the formal business of the council unless specifically invited to do so by the meeting chairman. In certain circumstances the public may be asked to leave the meeting, this is at the Chairman's discretion.
Tollerton Parish Boundary