Tollerton, North Yorkshire

Tollerton in North Yorkshire

Tollerton Parish Council

Information Privacy Notice

The Parish Council holds personal information on Councillors, staff, contractors and individuals it has contact with. This information will be stored securely, whether electronically or as paper records, so that only authorised people can use it, within the scope of their authority. Such information is only retained for as long as necessary.

Electronic records are stored on a password-protected computer held by the Parish Clerk. The password is changed regularly. The laptop has anti-virus and firewall software installed and is regularly backed-up.

Parish Councillors will only hold contact details of individuals in touch with them or details received about planning applications. We require that all Councillors’ computers are password and virus protected.

Paper records are stored in the clerk’s office.

Contact Details

Subject Access Requests or questions about the Parish Council’s policy or procedures should be directed to the Clerk, Tollerton Parish Council:


Telephone number - follow this link

Parish Council Data Controller: Councillor Ian Jackson, working with other Councillors and the Parish Clerk.

Parish Council Data Protection Officer: Councillor Ian Jackson

For further advice and information, or to complain about the Parish Council’s management of personal information, please contact the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5AF

Approved: May 2018

Due for review: May 2020

Tollerton Personal Information Register

